名称(Title) | 单位(Unit) | 数量(QTY) | 备注(Remarks) |
马达(Motor) | 套(kit) | 3 | 松下伺服马达+驱动器(Servo motor+Driver) |
料桶搅拌系统 | 套(kit) | 2 | 可选一套/两套/不选(Optional) |
丝杆导轨(Lead screw and guide rail) | 套(kit) | 5 | 台湾TBA/台湾ABBA(Taiwan TBA/ABBA) |
工业电脑(Industrial Computer) | 套(kit) | 1 | 研华(Advantech) |
显示器(Monitor) | 套(kit) | 1 | 戴尔(Dell) |
运动控制器(Motion controller) | 套(kit) | 1 | 自主开发(3H) |
双液混合阀(Mixing valve) | 套(kit) | 1 | 根据胶水可选配静态或动态胶阀(Dynamic/static valve optional) |
高精度计量泵(High-precision metering pump) | 套(kit) | 1 | 伺服马达+活塞泵(servo motor+piston pump) |
清洗装置(Cleaning device) | 套(kit) | 1 | 可选配全自动清洗/半自动清洗(Automatic/ Semi-automatic cleaning device) |
计量马达(Metering motor) | 套(kit) | 1 | 松下伺服马达(Servo motor) |
储料桶(Glue storage tank) | 套(kit) | 2 | 15L/30L或70L,可选真空脱泡或加热功能(15L/30L/70L stainless steel glue storage tank optional, with glue short alarming function) |
自动灌胶软件(Automatic potting software) | 套(kit) | 1 | 自主开发(3H) |
动态搅拌检测系统(Detecting for dynamic stir default) | 套(kit) | 1 | 可选(Optional) |
胶出口压力检测(Discharging pressure detector) | 套(kit) | 1 | 可选(Optional) |
半自动清洗装置(Semi-automatic cleaning device) | 套(kit) | 1 | 可选(Optional) |