Rubber waterstop sealing rubber is also called natural rubber and various synthetic rubber as the main raw material, and the filling material mixed with various additives, through plasticizing, mixing, molding, the more varieties of different specifications, bridge, mountain type, P type, U type, Z type, T type, H type, type B E type and Q type, etc.. According to the usage, the rubber sealing belt Hengshui Heng Yuan engineering rubber factory can be classified as buried rubber water stop and back sticking rubber water stop belt. The sealing material has good elasticity, wear resistance, aging resistance and tear resistance. It has good deformation ability and good waterproof performance. The temperature range is -45 -+60. Rubber seals shall not be used when the temperature is above 70 degrees, and the rubber sealing strips are strongly oxidized or eroded by organic solvents such as oils.
Form and classification of common water stop strip for rubber water stop
Rubber waterstop types commonly used waterstop forms are: 651 in the rubber sealing belt, buried rubber waterstop, post type rubber sealing strip, rubber watertight strip, hpz, P type waterstop, PVC plastic sealing strip, sealing plate.
根据使用情况又可分类为中埋式橡胶止水带和背贴式橡胶止水带。根据外观形式又可以分为CB型止水带(指中间有孔的中埋式止水带) 、CP型止水带(指中间无孔的中埋式止水带)、EP型止水带(又称外贴式止水带或背贴式止水带,是指外贴式中间无孔型止水带)、EB型止水带(外贴式中间有孔的止水带,又称外贴式止水带或背贴式止水带) 。
According to the use situation, it can be classified as embedded rubber water stop and back sticking rubber water stop belt. According to the appearance of the form can be divided into CB type waterstop (refers to a hole in the center of medium buried waterstop), CP (the middle sealing strip non porous medium buried waterstop), EP type waterstop (also known as post type waterstop or back stick type waterstop, refers to the post the pass free sealing belt type EB), waterstop (water outside attached a hole in the middle of the belt, also known as post type waterstop or back stick type waterstop).
Specification for rubber water stop
The common specifications of rubber sealing strip are 300 x 6300 x 8300 x 10350 x 8400 x 10mm and so on. The commonly used model is embedded type 651.
Rubber sealing tape is applicable to underground structures, dams, storage tanks, swimming pools, roofing and building materials and structures of deformation joint waterproof.