






联系人:段忠信 (请说在中科商务网上看到)





  平板橡胶止水带可定尺加工生产 应用于地下构筑物、水坝、贮水池、游泳池、屋面以及其他建筑物质和构筑物的变形缝防水

  The flat rubber water stop belt can be processed in fixed length and applied to the deformation joint waterproof of underground structures, dams, storage tanks, swimming pools, roofs and other building materials and structures

  1. 我公司生产的橡胶止水带是采用国家标准GB18173.2-2000标准组织生产的,尺寸公差一律按国家标准执行,如用户有特殊要求,可按用户要求制造。

  1. the rubber water stop produced by our company is produced by the national standard GB18173.2-2000 standard. The size tolerance is carried out according to the national standard. If the user has special requirements, it can be manufactured according to the requirements of the user.

  2. 橡胶止水带型号以分类别分类编号,以方便设计参考和用户定货。

  2. rubber sealing tape type is classified and numbered, so as to facilitate design reference and user order.

  3. 我公司可按用户要求生产各种形状、尺寸的橡胶止水带,另外还可为不同工程、不同部位的需要备有十字型、丁字型、斜度型和内外转角型产品,可适用于任何设计要求。

  3. my company can according to the production of various shapes and sizes of rubber sealing requirements of users also need, for different parts of the project, a cross shaped, inclination angle and internal and external products, can be applied to any design requirements.

  4. 橡胶止水带在运输时,应要避免阳光直射,勿与热源、油类及有害溶剂接触。成品应取直平放,勿加重压。存放场所最好保持-10-+30,相对湿度40%-80%。 橡胶止水带广泛应用于各种类型的混凝土结构中,例如:挡水坝、蓄水池、地铁、涵洞、隧道等地下工程中。在这些工程中,由于不能连续浇铸,或由于地基的 变形,或由于温度变化引起的混凝土构件的热胀冷缩等原因,在浇铸时常留有变形缝、施工缝,这些缝的防渗漏问题就要采用在变形缝的部位浇铸橡胶止水带的 方法来解决,它既能防止地下水或外界水渗漏到建筑物结构中,橡胶止水带又可防止建筑内的水漏到外界。

  4. rubber sealing strip during transportation, should avoid direct sunlight, do not contact with heat, oil and harmful solvent. The finished product should be straight and flat, without heavy pressure. Storage place is best to maintain -10-+30, relative humidity 40%-80%. Rubber waterproof belt is widely used in various types of concrete structures, such as: dam, reservoir, subway, culvert, tunnel and other underground works. In these projects, due to the continuous casting, or as a result of the ground deformation, or caused by temperature change of concrete thermal expansion and contraction, often left in the casting deformation joints, construction joints, these joints leakage problems must be adopted in the method of deformation of the casting parts of the rubber sealing belt to solve and it can prevent the water leakage of groundwater or external to the building structure, the rubber sealing strip can prevent water leakage to the outside the building.


  U standard for rubber water stop industry

  U型橡胶止水带接头必须粘接良好,不应采用不加处理的“搭接”。 在U型橡胶止水带产品在运输时,应避免阳光直射,勿与热源、油类及有害溶剂接触。成品应取直平放,勿加重压。存放场所最好保持-10℃-+30℃,相对湿度在40%-80%。

  The joint of U rubber water stop must be well bonded and should not be lapped without treatment". In the U rubber water stop belt products, avoid direct sunlight, not contact with heat source, oil and harmful solvents. The finished product should be straight and flat, without heavy pressure. The best places to keep -10 +30 stored C C, relative humidity in 40%80%.


  Inspection of joint of U rubber water stop strip


  (1) the joint inspection on pressure stubble under the direction of U type rubber sealing strip, the direction should be to smooth drainage, water will be led to the right direction, namely the upper U type rubber sealing strip near the surrounding rock, lower water stop belt near the tunnel lining.


  (2) the joint strength check: tear joint hand.

  (3)观察接头强度和表面打毛情况,接头外观应平整光洁。抗拉伸强度不低于母材的 80;不合格时重新焊接或粘接。

  (3) observe the joint strength and the surface of the hair, the appearance of the joints should be smooth. Tensile strength is not less than 80 of base metal; re welding or bonding when not qualified.


  Product features of U rubber water stop belt:

  1. U型止水带 适用范围广.

  1. U type water stop belt has wide application range

  2. U型橡胶止水带安装方便简洁.

  2. U rubber water stop is easy to install and simple

  3. U型止水带有利于后期渗漏处理.

  3. U type water seal is beneficial to leakage treatment in later stage