Maintenance of the car
济南租车公司 春季雨水较多,雨水中的酸性成分对汽车的漆面具有极强的腐蚀作用,久而久之就会对汽车的漆面造成损害,因此在雨水较多的春季,要特别注意保护好汽车漆面。保养一定不要忽视汽车的防水工作。济南租车公司在进行换季保养时,最好能给汽车进行一次漆面美容济南租车公司。最简单的是打蜡,给爱车穿上一件看不见的保护外衣,防止漆面褪色老化,让亮丽的车容常伴左右。
Ji'nan rental car company has much rain in spring. The acid components in the rain have strong corrosion on the car's paint surface. It will damage the paint surface over time. Therefore, in the spring with more rain, we should pay special attention to protect the car's paint surface. Do not neglect the waterproof work of the car. Ji'nan car rental company in maintainedregularly, can give the best car a paint beauty car rental company in Ji'nan. The simplest is to the car wax, wearing an invisible protective coat, prevent paint fade ageing, beautiful car side.
Ji'nan car rental company two, to strengthen the automotive interior strain work
济南租车公司 开车人一般冬天很少开窗通风透气,车内积聚了大量细菌,春季气温升高,再加上空气潮湿,是各种病菌繁衍生长的黄金季节,因此要特别注意汽车室内的防菌工作,让汽车室内保持干爽卫生,济南租车公司特别是对汽车坐垫、出风口这些卫生死角更要做好清扫工作,要用专用的内饰清洗剂对操控台、车门等部位进行清洗消毒济南租车公司。不过驾驶员对汽车内饰进行清洗时,济南租车公司要用中性的洗涤液进行清洗,千万不要用含有较强酸碱性的物质清洗,另外,在清洗时要注意避免音响、收音机、CD等电器设备进水而受到腐蚀。
Ji'nan car rental company drivers in winter rarely open the window, the car has accumulated a large number of bacteria, the spring temperatures rise, coupled with the humid air, is all sorts of bacteria multiply season growth, so pay special attention to the car indoor prevention work, let the car interior to keep dry and clean, Ji'nan car rental company especially for car seat the outlet, these health corner more to do cleaning work, to console, door and other parts of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ji'nan car rental company with a special interior cleaning agent. But the driver for car interior cleaning, car rental company in Ji'nan to be cleaned with neutral detergent, do not use cleaning material, with strong acidity in addition, cleaning should pay attention to avoid audio, radio, CD and other electrical equipment in water and subjected to corrosion.
Three, Ji'nan car rental company wiper inspection maintenance heart
The increase in the spring rain in Ji'nan car rental companies is bound to take more responsibility for the wiper. Because the road and line of sight rainy days are not conducive to driving, if not well off the rain wiper brush, it will give you great safety risk, the wiper will play an important role in Ji'nan car rental company because of its inspection and maintenance to be more careful in place.