Portal: the meaning of the portal, and here is the B2C e-commerce site.
OMS:是Order Management System的简写,指订单管理系统,主要用于商品资料建立和维护,客户订单信息管理,退换货信息管理等作业。
OMS: the abbreviation of Order Management System, which refers to the order management system, which is mainly used for the establishment and maintenance of commodity information, information management of customer order, and information management of returned goods.
SCM:是Supply Chain Management 的简写,指采购管理系统,主要用于采购申请、采购订货、仓库收货、采购退货、 购货发票处理、供应商管理、价格及供货信息管理、订单管理等功能作业。
SCM: the abbreviation of Supply Chain Management refers to the purchase management system, which is mainly used for purchasing applications, purchase orders, warehouse receipts, purchase returns, invoice processing, supplier management, price and supply information management, order management and other functions.
WMS:是Warehouse ManagementSystem的简写,指仓储管理系统,主要用于收货、入库、出库、仓库调拨、BIN 位移转和虚仓管理、批次管理、物料对应、库存盘点、质检管理、虚仓管理和即时库存管理等作业。
WMS: Warehouse is short for ManagementSystem, a warehouse management system, mainly used for receiving, warehousing storehousestorage allocation, BIN displacement and virtual transfer positions management, batch management, material inventory, quality inspection, corresponding management, virtual warehouse management and instant inventory management work.
DMS:是Delivery ManagementSystem的简写,指配送管理系统,主要用于订单或商品包装、分拨、派车、装车和配送等作业。
DMS: the abbreviation of Delivery ManagementSystem, which refers to the distribution management system, which is mainly used for order or commodity packaging, distribution, dispatching, loading and distribution.
PM:是Product Manager的简写,指商品经理。
PM: it's a short list of Product Manager, which refers to the commodity manager.
PMA:是Product ManagerAssistant的简写,指商品经理助理。
PMA: it's a short run of Product ManagerAssistant, which refers to the assistant of the commodity manager.
PMD:是Product ManagementDirector的简写,指商品管理总监/商品总监。
PMD: is the short term of Product ManagementDirector, referring to the director of commodity management / commodity director.
APMD:是Assistant ProductManagement Director的简写,指助理商品总监。
APMD: it's a short run of Assistant ProductManagement Director, and refers to the assistant commodity director.
RMA:是Retum MaterialAuthorization的简写,指售后维修中心,处理客户不良产品退货、换货和维修的单位。
RMA: is the short term of the Retum MaterialAuthorization, which refers to the after-sale maintenance center, which deals with the units for the return, exchange and maintenance of the bad products of the customers.
Call Center:电话客服中心。
Call Center: telephone customer service center.