How to deal with the cracks in the showcase?
There are cracks in the showcase in daily life is very common, here, Muse showcase mainly introduce the method of milk to crack, you may not think, milk can be used for removing the showcase surface cracks, specifically with a clean cloth surface pour some milk into the wet, then it can be used directly in the place where the milk is directly wiping showcase dirt, wipe the dirt removal effect is very good, complete rinsing with water, because the surface being showcase of milk, put a long time there will be some sour milk, with clear water wash out on the right.
How do the showcases be treated by scald?
Generally, it is scalded by high temperature objects, such as boiling water. Don't panic, the most easy to use a soft cloth dipped with tea juice to clean, convenient and effective. The paint film is not hot out of the showcase for white speckling wipe with toilet water or alcohol solvent, the effect is also very good, have had such experiences of friends may wish to try.