总挥发性有机物(TVOC)是指沸点在50~250℃之间的挥发性化合物的总量,它们是广泛存在于室内环境中的无色气体。室内环境中的TVOC可以是从室外空气中进入,也可能是从建筑材料、装饰装修、各种家具、化妆品以及室内墙面的油漆中散发而来。TVOC污染物浓度过高,可致癌,对人体伤害极大。为了预防和控制民用建筑工程室内环境污染,国家标准《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》(GB 50325—2010)中规定了9种TVOC化合物的检测。而新版国标《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制标准》(GB 50325—2020)中规定了16种TVOC的化合物检测。
Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) refer to the total amount of volatile compounds with boiling points between 50 and 250 ℃, which are colorless gases widely present in indoor environments. TVOC in indoor environments can enter from outdoor air or be emitted from building materials, decoration, various furniture, cosmetics, and paint on indoor walls. Excessive concentration of TVOC pollutants can cause cancer and cause great harm to the human body. In order to prevent and control indoor environmental pollution in civil construction projects, the national standard "Code for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control of Civil Construction Projects" (GB 50325-2010) specifies the detection of 9 TVOC compounds. The new version of the national standard "Indoor Environmental Pollution Control Standards for Civil Building Engineering" (GB 50325-2020) specifies the detection of 16 compounds of TVOC.
Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. used Tenax TA adsorption tubes to collect samples, which were then analyzed by a thermal desorption instrument, captured by a cold trap, separated by gas chromatography FID, and quantitatively determined by external standard method for TVOC in indoor air. The linearity is good, with correlation coefficients (r) ranging from 0.9989 to 0.9999. This detection method is easy to operate, has good precision and high accuracy, and is suitable for the separation and detection of TVOC in the air.
Name: HH-1 capillary column
Specification: 60m * 0.25mm * 1.0um
*High operating temperature: 300 ° C
Number: 20240725007
Application: Shimadzu GC-2010, GC-2014,GC-2018,GC-2030