说明: | Industries Experts行业专家:Computrac(锂Li-ion)电池微量水分测定仪Computrac Battery Moisture Analyzer优点:□结果优于传统烘箱失重法(LOD)和卡氏滴定法(KF)□无需昂贵有毒的卡氏试剂和电极(阳极、阴极);更避免了样品与卡氏试剂之间可能发生的化学反应□水分测定权威专家:符合国际标准ASTM D6980-04、D7191-05、D7232-06、D7546-09□可在任何地方使用,可在生产车间使用, 快速测试!现场样品测试5-10分钟□特殊的水分感应器( RHS )尖端技术,专一水分测试(Computrac Vapor Pro/Rx/Fx )CTZ-V3100L Computrac Vapor Pro MAXZ-V4000XL Computrac特殊水分感应器法(RHS) / 替代卡氏滴定法(KF)干燥失重法(LOD) / 替代烘箱法•无需化学试剂•快25%的吞吐量和冷却速度•检测低至10ppm的水分•可连接USB和以太网•5-10分钟出结果•检测低至50ppm的水分•ASTM方法:D7191-05•ASTM方法:D6980-04、D7232-06•样品量:10mg-20g •样品量:150mg-40g•灵敏度:1 ppm ( 1 ug )•灵敏度:水分0.0001%;天平:0.0001g•水分测定范围:10 ppm ( 10 ug ) to 100%•水分测定范围:0.005% - 100.000%•温度范围:25 - 275℃ •温度范围:25 - 275℃1. Computrac的测试是定量分析。2.测试时间和测试精度【*CV = Coefficient of Variation 变异系数 = Repeatability重复性】:a. 测试精度(重复性)的统计:Mean:平均值;S.D.:标准偏差;CV:变异系数,优于KF卡氏滴定法[Standard deviation(SD) equal to or better than that of KF on comparable samples. With repeatability (Coefficient of Variation, CV) also equal to or better than KF on comparable samples. The previous test reports I provided you with will give you an excellent reference for what the customer can expect.]b. 测试时间,一般测试时间不超过10分钟。(3-5 minutes for most Cathode materials. The previous test reports I provided you with will give you an excellent reference for what the customer can expect.)3..采样环境:a.针对低水分(少于1000ppm)或吸潮性较强的样品,我们建议露点为 - 20到 - 40的手套箱或干燥间内采样b.针对高水分(大于1000ppm)或吸潮性较弱的样品对采样环境没有特别要求(Our instrument does not require a lab, a chemist, or a dry room environment. The instrument can be used by anyone, on the production floor, in an office or in a lab. The onlyenvironment that should be specially considered is the environment that the sample needs. Some samples must be handled in a dry room or dry box because they absorb moisture very easily. With materials like that, you want to keep the Vapor pro in the same environment to make transferring of the material to the Vapor Pro easier.)4.采样方法:测试时用金属瓶盖和无水硅酸垫片,针对不同的样品有不同的采样方法:a.极片: 样品称重后切成条后,加入样品瓶密封。例如:Cathode electrodeb.粉末: 样品称重后,加入样品瓶密封。例如:Cathod Powder Carbon Sulfter Poly base (Vapor Pro,VPL)LiCoO2 - Lithium Colbat Dioxide(Vapor Pro,VPL)LiFePO4 (Vapor Pro,VPL)LiH2PO4 - Lithium Phosphate monobasic(Vapor Pro,VPL)LiNiCoO2 - Lithium Nickle Cobalt Dioxide(Vapor Pro,VPL)LiV3O8 - Lithium Vandium Oxide (Vapor Pro,VPL)c.液体: 用1ml专用针筒采样,把样品滴进装有1CM X 4CM玻璃纤维滤膜的样品瓶后密封。加样前后的针筒都要称重,以确定加样重量。例如:Ionic Dielectric Liquid (Vapor Pro,VPL)5.测量方法:不同样品有不同的测量方法(即测量程序,仪器可贮存102个测量/测试程序)。例如:Cathode electrodeCathod Powder Carbon Sulfter Poly baseLiCoO2 - Lithium Colbat DioxideLiFePO4LiH2PO4 - Lithium Phosphate monobasicLiNiCoO2 - Lithium Nickle Cobalt DioxideLiV3O8 - Lithium Vandium OxideIonic Dielectric Liquid6.工作原理:(CTZ-V3100L Computrac Vapor Pro工作原理:)CTZ-V3100L Computrac Vapor Pro利用了一个圆柱型的加热器、一个干燥气体—载体气体流动系统和一个水分传感器。仪器会对被装在带有隔膜的25ml玻璃瓶内的样品加热。从样品中挥发出来的物质会被送到装有相对湿度传感器(RH传感器)的感应区。用于检测蒸气中的水分的RH传感器是一个聚合物电容相对湿度传感器。传感器的读数、传感区温度和载体气流量经过微处利器以生成准确的样品水分含量。 仪器可以显示:Parts per million (ppm) H2OMicrogram (ug) H2O orPercentage (%) H20The Vapor Pro uses a polymer capacitance sensor. This sensor changes capacitance as the dry carrier air containing water passes of the sensor. This change in capacitance is then translated into ug H2O, ppm H20, or % H2O. I have also attached a flow diagram to show the rest.7. 测量步骤(CTZ-V3100L Computrac Vapor Pro测量步骤十分简单):1). Weigh sample采样2). Place sample in vial and load into Vapor Pro and press Start! 把样品放入样品瓶并置于仪器,按开始键,自动测试、自动结束并自动显示结果对于电池行业,我们提供的最优化测试程序及分析方法,其测试结果优于KF卡氏滴定法,已得到国际著名电池厂家的采用和认可,解决了他们在生产和科研中遇到的复杂问题,提供科学的数据。Yardney Technical Products推荐Yardney Technical Products, Inc公司作为高能电池组的先锋,于2006年3月就已经将Arizona Instrument's CTZ-V3100L Computrac® Vapor Pro®应用到Lithion Division。在过去两年里,得益于Computrac® Vapor Pro® CTZ-V3100L的精度和操作速度,降低了测试时间并提高了产能和产品质量。Vapor Pro会根据Technical Products, Inc. Lithion Division.的产品和发展工程师Bill Moscaritolo的需要生成出最准确和最快捷的样品数值报告。Bill Moscaritolo |