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潮安县周全不锈钢制品厂2001年创立于“中国不锈钢王国”——广东省潮安县彩塘镇。本公司自创立以来一直致力于人才、技术、品牌的建设。经过十余年的发展,不断壮大,组建了周全商贸有限公司,位于广州市番禺区大石镇新沙五金塑料城十一街605-606档。现已成为一家集不锈钢餐具制品设计开发、生产制造、销售服务于一体的高新技术企业。 公司生产出品的“佳全”、“周源”、“家盛”、“双喜”、“金鹰”等不锈钢餐具制品,以“款式新颖、质优价廉、服务至上”等强势卖点闻名于业界,现已进入全国各地流通市场,终端卖场及礼品市场销售,逐步形成了完善的市场营销网络,成为千家万户适用及喜爱的家庭用品。 公司的发展目标是:致力于成为现代厨房优质生活用品全球著名连锁供应商。公司坚持“质量第一,信誉至上”的经营方针,热诚欢迎国内外客商莅临参观指导,洽谈业务,共创美好未来,您的信任是我们最大的动力,您的满意是我们最大荣幸Chaoan comprehensive stainless steel products factory founded in 2001, China "kingdom of stainless steel" -- guangdong chaoan caitang. Since the founding of the company has been committed to the talents, technology and brand construction. After ten years development, expansion and has established a comprehensive trading Co., LTD, located in guangzhou panyu district of new sand hardware plastic city street 605-606 11. Has become a set of stainless steel tableware product design, development, manufacture, sales and service in the integration of high-tech enterprises. The company produces all ZhouYuan ", "poor", "cheng", "double platinum", "" stainless steel tableware products", with novel style, high quality and reasonable price, service supreme ", etc in industry, strong attraction is now in circulation market across the country, terminal sells and gift marketing, gradually formed the perfect marketing network, a love for the families and household products. The company's goal is to become a modern kitchen life quality products worldwide famous supplier chain. Companies adhere to the "quality first, the supremacy of credibility" operating principles, and warmly welcome customers at home and abroad to visit our company to negotiate business, and create bright future, trust is our biggest power, your satisfaction is our greatest pleasure