深圳瀚唐国际艺术品展览服务有限公司企业文化:建立在文化艺术品传承有序的基础上,完善艺术品交易的公众平台,助海内知己实现投资与收藏之宏愿。 深圳瀚唐国际艺术品展览服务有限公司企业文化是一个集艺术品甄选、鉴定、展览展示、贸易等服务为一体的综合性公司。本公司秉持公平、公正、公开的原则,以诚信、守信、共赢为本,针对广大客户建立一个新的,最安全可靠的交易平台。 立足今日,瀚唐国际有限公司将凭借深厚的专业知识,饱满的工作热情和丰富的运作经验以及庞大的客户资源,充分发挥自己的独特优势,服务社会。真正实现建立在国际艺术精品来源有序旳基础上,开创民间艺术品交易全球化之先河的宏伟梦想。甄选范围:瓷器、玉石翡翠、字画、古籍善本、紫砂、钱币、邮票、珠宝首饰、竹木牙雕、青铜器、古家具、杂件、红色收藏品等各类古代、近现代艺术品。
Han Tang International Auction Co. Ltd. is one of the most powerful China auction enterprises.
Han Tang International owns a high-level, high-quality professionals, with rich experience in exhibition planning and operation.
The company always adhere to "honesty and credit" for the development of this, to "diligent, pragmatic and efficient" business philosophy, strategic partners all over the world, in the principle of "open, fair and just", and regulate the development, legitimate business.
The company has a world-class heritage of the identification and evaluation of the professional team of experts to conduct pre screening of the professional team for each session of the fair, to ensure the quality of the collection and collection of the source of order.
Exhibition range of collection: porcelain, jade, calligraphy and paintings, rare books, purple, coins, stamps, jewelry, wood carving, bronze ware, ancient furniture, sundries, red collections such as the all kinds of ancient, modern art.