After the installation and use of a single column billboards, but also have special needs to be particularly concerned about a problem is the basis of the Dan Lizhu ad brand support for maintenance and maintenance. A good single column advertising can make use of the longer time. And the cost of the brand is not low, so maintenance is the best way to reduce costs. Outdoor advertising test
A solid metal bracket should be installed on the building or wall when installing the base bracket of the single column advertisement board. General foundation support is by buying party self installation and design, and the best is calculated in accordance with the rigorous foundation compressive strength and support wind strength, so as to achieve the weight of metal stents and single column billboards on the basis of the compression of the requirements and achieve the largest local wind wind. If single column billboards are installed on the metal bracket, you should put on the back of a single column with iron to fully closed, this is in order to avoid back through lead to advertising effect is reduced or reduced visibility. Outdoor advertising test
When installing the design of single column billboards, support is essential for the design of. A good scaffold directly affects the effect of advertising display and single column billboards, however single column billboards will directly affect the cost of life. So stand a good single column billboards designed for installation and maintenance is very important.