联 系 人:高先生--销售工程师
7.5KW SGMGV-75ADA61供应和PDF资料 SGDV-550A01A
7.5KW带制动 SGMGV-75ADA6C供应和PDF资料 SGDV-550A01A
a dainty squar of hit rad ithout th rust
Th hol sn as as sparkly and autiful as a piturSurat ar
Springs, thats hrar Th old pinpla, onnthought ut surlyv
got iptant things to disuss than ta
ho dos your hair ths da sh askd lna nvr had n al to do it
Do you lik it lna put a hand up to th silky, pal gold ass pild at th ak
of hr nk
Its prft,said onni, sounding f all th ld lik hr othr at a
Daughtrs of th Arian Rvolution dinnr party
ll, hair is iptant, you kno,lna said Hr glod a dpr lu
than th sky, lapis lazullu onntouhd hr on springy rd urls
Of ours, lood is iptant too,lna said
loodOh of ours,said onni, flustrd Sh had no ida hat lna
as talking aout, and sh flt as if sh r alking on a tightrop ovr alligats
loods iptant, all right,sh agrd akly
Anothr sandih
ThanksIt as hs and toato lna sltd on f hrslf and it into it