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山东枣庄宠物香猪 山东枣庄宠物香猪厂家

名称:山东枣庄宠物香猪 山东枣庄宠物香猪厂家






联系人:张经理 (请说在中科商务网上看到)






  Experienced farmers know that the pig farm vaccine is done well and can prevent pig disease very well. In recent years, the small and medium farms in China are increasing, and many farmers are not experienced. Because they can not master the correct vaccination time and methods, the immune failure is caused, and the pig farm has not small economic losses. We summed up the correct use of the commonly used vaccines for pig breeding, and we can make reference to our friends.


  1. swine fever rabbit attenuated vaccine


  This vaccine is used to prevent hog cholera. According to the bottle label instructions and normal saline dilution, all pigs are injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly for 1ml. The piglets will be vaccinated immediately after birth, and then they will have colostrums. This is advanced immunity and immunity is not strong enough. It is necessary to strengthen the immunity 1 times after weaning. Immunity was obtained after 7 days of vaccination, and the immunization period was more than 1 years.


  2. freeze-dried seedlings of swine fever and porcine erysipelas two


  The vaccine is used to prevent swine fever and swine erysipelas. When used, the vaccine is diluted in accordance with the dose of the bottle. The pigs are injected subcutaneously or by intramuscular injection of 1ml, and the piglets are inoculated 15 days after weaning. The immunization is produced about one week after inoculation, 1 years of swine fever in the immune period and 6 months for porcine erysipelas.


  3. lyophilized vaccine of swine fever, swine erysipelas and swine lung pestilence


  The vaccine is used to prevent swine fever, swine erysipelas and swine lung disease. The dosage of the vaccine is diluted with 20% aluminum gel, according to the dose indicated by the bottle, and the size pig is injected with 1ml. No weaning piglet inoculation, need to be reinjected once 2 months later, after inoculation 7~9 days to produce immunity, immune period of swine fever 1 years, swine erysipelas half a year, pig lung epidemic half a year. Newborn piglets, parturient sows, and sick pigs are not allowed to be injected.


  In addition to the above methods of vaccination, we should pay attention to several points when we vaccinate.


  1. pay attention to the temperature of vaccine preservation, the expiration date of vaccines, and the use of expired and mouldy vaccines.


  2. use and strictly follow the bottle label instructions to dilute and use the vaccine.


  3. newly purchased piglets and weaning piglets can not be injected to avoid any stress reaction.


  4. when a farmer can not accurately determine the dosage or dosage of a vaccine, consult a veterinarian and do not use it at will.


  山东福和特种养殖场养殖品种:巴马香猪、藏香猪,结合广西特色养殖方式,包括巴马香猪种猪以及商品猪,遵循“品质第一,合作致富”的香猪文化。 山东福和特种养殖场坚信诚信第一 欢迎广大客户前来洽谈业务!
