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  毛氏五金家具是一家专业生产五金家具的企业。公司为满足客户不断增长的需求,配备了先进的成套生产设备,吸纳了一批经验丰富的管理人才,优秀的设计人员和训练有素的高级技术工人;公司凭借高品质的产品,良好的信誉和热情周到的服务,与省内外多家名牌家具企业配套生产,赢得了客户的信任,建立了稳定的业务关系,产品远销国内外。公司实行设计、开模、生产、送货一条龙服务,产品严格按照ISO9002国际认证标准生产, 格守“信守承诺,质量第一,服务周到,顾客至上”的原则,开拓进取,愿与家具精英共创美好未来!Maoshi hardware furniture is a professional manufacturer of metal furniture enterprises. The company to meet the growing needs of customers, equipped with complete sets of advanced production equipment, absorbed a number of experienced management personnel, excellent designers and be trained with regularity of senior technical workers; the company with high-quality products, good reputation and warm and thoughtful service, and both inside and outside the province a number of brand-name furniture enterprises supporting the production, to win the trust of customers, the establishment of a stable business relations, products sold at home and abroad.Companies design, open mold, production, delivery and all in one service, products in strict accordance with the ISO9002 international certification standards for production, grid defend "commitment, quality first, and thoughtful service, the customer first" principle, to forge ahead, willing to work with the furniture elite to create a better future!