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佛山市顺德区超智电器实业有限公司(以下简称超智电器)位于中国家电之都-珠三角地区的顺德容桂华口高新区,公司技术雄厚,制造设备精良,专业制造和销售热水器、油烟机、燃气灶具、消毒柜等系列厨房电器产品为主的7大系列几百个品种。 目前,超智电器拥有占地面积近2万平方米的现代化厂房,装备了数百台先进生产设备和10条来自德国的现代化高科技生产线,并配备了独立的国家级研发中心、检测中心、寿命实验室,年生产规模超过200万台,是一家具有核心技术的现代化厨卫电器厂家。 超智电器拥有同类厂家中最齐全的专业生产设备和最齐全的质检设备,拥有产品设计部、研发部、模具制造部、压铸部、冲压部、钻床部、车床部、线切割部、电子部、装配部和质检部11个部门,是广东为数不多的实现大多数产品生产工序和配件在工厂内部完成的生产型厨房电器厂家,是广东厨卫电器生产和出口重要基地,积极和世界500强合作建立稳定的战略合作伙伴关系,共同致力于打造厨卫电器著名品牌。 超智电器秉承“德才兼备,赢得人才,就赢得了未来”的企业理念,引进和培养了一支专业化、高素质、勇于创新的营销管理及技术精英队伍,公司目前拥有高级研发人员50余名,普通研发人员、品管工程师近百名,在职员工总人数1000多人,其中大专以上学历员工占比超过40%,平均年龄在30岁左右。 公司通过国家强制性3C认证,不断满足消费者厨房电器的需求。并坚持不断的为用户提供全新的高品质产品和完善的售后服务。在市场激烈竞争的今天,质量是企业的生存的有力保证,“顾客至上,质量第一”是我们永恒宗旨,我们将真诚为您服务。 Shunde Chaozhi Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. is one of the largest companies that focus on development, production and sales of electric water heater and kitchen appliance. Our headquarter is located in Foshan while we have other two factories in Zhongshan Chaozhi owns several world reputed brands such as Meifubao and Jiashili.The brand of Meifubao is a leading brand of electric water heater in the world, which is the synonym of high-end electric water heater in China. With the occupying area of 30000 m2, owning more than 1000 employees, Chaozhi has the most complete professional manufacturing equipments and checking facilities than other manufacturers in China. Having 10 departments the company is one of Chinese enterprises that can implement most processing step of product in the plant, as well as enterprise that conducts OEM for famous brands in China. It shows that the top technologies of Chaozhi have earned national class recognition, which is also the confirmation of the brand reputation and strength of Chaozhi.