FUJIAN SANDA FIBER STOCK CO.,LTD was founded on 2010, which is a large new environmental and high technology enterprise, majoring in producing polyester fiber and various types of non woven fabric. The factory is located in Dengbang industrial area in Zhangping, Longyan City in Fujian, covering the land of 133200 square meters. The whole investment is about 100 million USD. With high quality raw material and advanced equipments, the factory now has several environmental production lines and has the ability to make sure of stability of products quality. SANDA FIBER follows the spirit of “Devoting, Endeavoring, and Developing” and the belief of “Trust, Stability, and Sustainability”, to achieve the goal of being branded. We not only sell the products, we also provide more potential values for our customers.SANDA FIBER had been passed the inspection of ISO 9001, ISO14001 by CQC. Our products have been sold internationally. 福建省三达纤维股份有限公司于2010年成立, 位于福建省龙岩市漳平市工业园区工贸新区登榜工业区,用地面积约200亩,总投资近5亿元, 是一家以生产涤纶短纤及各类无纺布等产品,具有完整产业链的大型环保型国家高新技术企业,拥有多项发明专利。 凭借原料优势,辅以先进的设备,公司从废塑料回收到产品生产一步到位,目前已具有多条节能环保型生产线,完整的产业链确保了产品的优越质量与稳定性。 福建省三达纤维股份有限公司自组建以来,始终秉持“奉献、拼搏、开拓进取”的企业精神,以及“诚信、稳健、永续经营”的经营理念,齐心协力打造一流的品牌,我们销售的不仅仅是产品,更是为客户创造更多的附加利益,公司通过了CQC的ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系,产品畅行中外,远销国际。