1 AM2358N Analog Power PRELIMINARY Publication Order Number: DS-AM2358_D These miniature surface mount MOSFETs utilize a high cell density trench process to provide low r DS(on) and to ensure minimal power loss and heat dissipation. Typical applications are DC-DC converters and power management in portable and battery-powered products such as computers, printers, PCMCIA cards, cellular and cordless telephones. V DS (V) r DS(on) ( Ω ) I D (A) 0.092 @ V GS = 10 V 3.1 0.107 @ V GS = 4.5V 2.9 PRODUCT SUMMARY 60 N-Channel 60V (D-S) MOSFET • Low r DS(on) provides higher efficiency and extends battery life • Low thermal impedance copper leadframe SOT-23 saves board space • Fast switching speed • High performance trench technology Notes a. Surface Mounted on 1” x 1” FR4 Board. b. Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature Symbol Maximum Units V DS 60 V GS ±20 T A =25 o C 2.8 T A =70 o C 1.8 I DM ±15 I S 1.7 A T A =25 o C 1.3 T A =70 o C 0.8 T J , T stg -55 to 150 o C Power Dissipation a P D Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range W Continuous Source Current (Diode Conduction) a ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25 o C UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) Parameter Pulsed Drain Current b V Gate-Source Voltage Drain-Source Voltage Continuous Drain Current a I D A Symbol Maximum Units t <= 5 sec 100 Steady-State 166 THERMAL RESISTANCE RATINGS Parameter o C/W