江苏省黄氏水晶工艺品厂(黄河清宝石厂)座落在闻名中外的“水晶之乡”——东海县。公司生产经营范围是:水晶、玉石、银饰品、宗教用品等。 黄氏珠宝拥有一流的技术,先进的设备,专业产品设计人员10多名,高素质的员工200多人。现能设计、生产、销售二十多个系列、一千多个规格品种。产品畅销日、韩、欧美及东南亚,赢得世界各地客户青睐及赞誉。注册商标:黄氏珠宝经营销售网点:广州市荔湾区荔湾广场南塔负一层GC67BJiangsu Province, Li Jing Crystal Handicrafts Co., Ltd is located in the famous "crystal town" - Donghai County. Production and operation of the company are: crystal, jade, silver jewelry, religious supplies.Crystal Li Crystal has first-class technology, advanced equipment, professional product designers more than 10, more than 300 highly qualified staff. Are able to design, production, marketing more ...