Sprint MVP™是一台高性能,经济型的尺寸测量系统。为适应不同测量需求,Sprint MVP™为您提供了三个型号。
型号 | X | Y | Z | SprintMVP200 | 200 | 150 | 150 | SprintMVP250 | 300 | 150 | 150 | SprintMVP300 | 300 | 300 | 150 |
技术说明: SprintMVP 机型 | 200 | 250 | 300 | 行程范围 (mm) | 200 x 150 x 150 | 300 x 150 x 150 | 300 x 300 x 150 | 承载量 (kg) | 20 | 20 | 25 | XYZ 光栅分辨率 (µm) | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 变焦比率 | 6.5 : 1 | 6.5 : 1 | 6.5 : 1 | 屏幕放大倍率 | 24 x - 370 x | 25 x - 370 x | 26 x - 370 x | 视场 (FOV) 对角测量 | 9.1 mm至 0.6mm | 9.1 mm至 0.6mm | 9.1 mm至 0.6mm | XY (E2)* | (2.5+4L/1000) µm | (2.5+6L/1000) µm | (2.5+6L/1000) µm | Z (E1)* | (3.8+8L/1000) µm | (3.8+8L/1000) µm | (3.8+8L/1000) µm | |
软件使测量更简单 QVI®Measure-X®测量软件令它便于测量零件FeatureFinder®(特征寻找器)令它易于在图像视窗里马上测量任何特征。如有CAD可用,只管下载DXF格式的档案及让Measure-X测量软件为你创造测量程序。AutoCorrelate™(自动对比)能让你不需要夹具就可以测量工件。 特点及优点 坚固的花岗石底座和支柱结构精密的XYZ轴3轴操作控制杆XY和Z轴配备0.5微米光栅兆像素彩色数码摄像头LED背光和同轴表面光高亮度LED环光先进的图像处理技术全自动3轴测量系统可选配TP-20接触式探头可选配QVI DRS™激光 SprintMVP 200-300 Systems Step up to to the SprintMVP Measurement Value SprintMVP fits on a workbench and provides stage travels as large as 12" x 12". Use the handy joystick to move the part and optics. Precise autofocus speeds throughput and improves repeatability. Run programs for all your parts to keep your quality in control. SprintMVP Features:0.5-micron XYZ axis scalesLED back lightVectorLight™ ring lightOptional LED on-axis illumination Powered by Measure-X® metrology software Measure-X Metrology Software is designed for SprintMVP systems. Full-featured measurement software with intuitive point and click interfaces. Icon toolboxes make it simple to accomplish measurement and write part programs. Interactive editor allows direct text editing for all step entries. X-Y AXIS | English Units | Metric Units | XY Travel (MVP 200) | 8" x 6" | 200 x 150 mm | XY Travel (MVP 250) | 12" x 6" | 300 x 150 mm | XY Travel (MVP 300) | 12" x 12" | 300 x 300 mm | XY Accuracy* (MVP 200) | E2 = (2.5 + 4L/1000) µm | XY Accuracy* (MVP 250, 300) | E2 = (2.5 + 6L/1000) µm | Scale Resolution | 0.00002" | 0.5 µm | Z-AXIS | Z Travel | 6" | 150 mm | Z Accuracy** | E1 = (3.8 + 8L/1000) µm | Scale Resolution | 0.00002" | 0.5 µm | OPTICAL PERFORMANCE | Working Distance (with VectorLight) | 2.75" | 70 mm | Magnification on 20" Monitor | 35x to 175x | Field of View | 0.070" - 0.35" | 1.8 - 8.9 mm | PHYSICAL | Recommanded Max Load | 20 kg load for the 200 and 250 modles | 25 kg load for the 300 modle | ENVIRONMENTAL | Temperature, safe operating | 59°F - 86°F | 15°C - 30°C | Temperature to meet specifications | 68°F ± 2°F | 20°C ± 1°C |