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德尔迈自动化科技大丰有限公司 Dermy Automation Technologies Co., Ltd. 以德修业 追求卓越 Reliable, Efficient, Creative, Excellent 公司简介 德尔迈自动化科技大丰有限公司(德尔迈)是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的现代高新技术型企业。专业从事重量分选机、多级重量分选机、多列重量检测设备、称重灌装机、输送机等设备的研发设计、加工生产、销售以及技术服务。德尔迈可根据客户的现场要求为其提供解决方案,负责产品的安装、调试和培训操作,并提供终身技术服务。公司所设计生产的产品广泛应用于食品,**,物流,服装,电子,日用,化工,塑胶,轻工制造,汽车零部件等领域。 德尔迈可根据客户的生产工艺要求配合集成工厂整体自动化生产线系统,完成整个生产系统至包装系统,再到检测检验系统的集成,实现产品的包装、重量检测、喷码、贴标、条码阅读(激光扫描)、分拣装箱的全过程的自动化生产,为客户降低生产成本,节约人力资源、提高产品质量,提高生产效率。 德尔迈非常重视品牌形象与质量口碑。优质、用心的服务赢得了众多合作伙伴的信赖与好评。凭借雄厚的科研实力和对高品质的不懈追求,结合各行业的实际生产工艺特点,设计生产出众多高品质的自动化设备。德尔迈人本着“诚信务实,追求卓越”的理念,不断提高自身实力,完善服务的每一个环节,给客户以更及时、更满意的解决方案。 德尔迈由长期从事重量检测、灌装等包装设备研发设计的资深专家和工程师所组成,具有整套全自动定量称重包装系统从设计开发、生产制造、市场销售、安装调试、技术培训到售后服务等多方面的综合能力。德尔迈人的敬业精神和创新能力体现在每一套设备的研制和快捷周到的技术服务中。 德尔迈将继续以领先的技术、高品质的产品、周到的服务和良好的信誉,与国内外新老客户携手并进,共创辉煌! 德尔迈坐落于204国道旁,距离盐城大丰高速公路出口处2公里,距离盐城机场25公里。交通便利,欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。 Company Profile Dermy Automation Technologies Dafeng Co., Ltd. (Dermy Technologies) is a high-tech enterprise specialized in inline checkweighers, multi-grade weight checkers, multi-lane weight detecting machines, weighing fillers, conveying equipment, and etc. All the products are independently designed and developed by Dermy Technologies. We have rich experience in providing solutions for different requirements of production sites. Dermy Technologies undertakes production, installation, site debugging and lifelong technical services for our products, which are widely used in industries of food, medicine and pharmacy, logistics, clothing, electronics, general merchandise, chemicals, rubber, plastic, auto parts, light industries and so on. Dermy Technologies can provide an integrated automatic system for the whole production line according to different technical requirements arranging from production and package to detection. The integrated system includes packaging, metal detecting, weight checking, printing, labeling, barcode reading, sorting and packing. The automation of the whole production system saves human resources and improves producing efficiency. Dermy Technologies pays high attention to brand image and product quality. By its powerful scientific research and unremitting pursuit of high quality, Dermy Technologies has developed a lot of high-quality automation equipment of excellent performance. The mature technology and reliable components ensure that our machines are stable and durable. Keeping in mind the notion of being honest and pursuing excellence, we continuously improve ourselves in order to deliver more timely and satisfactory solutions and offer more considerate services to our clients. Dermy Technologies has a team of well-skilled and innovative people who have devoted themselves to weight detecting and filling machines for many years. We have senior engineers respectively for research, design, programming, production, installation, debugging and after-sale maintenance. Our profession and dedication spur us to achieve excellence in every product and service we offer. With its leading technology, high-quality products, considerate services and good reputation, Dermy Technologies is expecting to cooperate with you to achieve a brighter prospect.