1, protection function.
The protection of inner beer is the main function of beer corrugated carton. Therefore, the beer production enterprises according to the corrugated box bearing weight, stacking height of different physical strength index set of corrugated boxes, including corrugated edge crush strength and bursting strength, puncture strength, adhesion strength, compressive strength of container. Beer corrugated box to meet the requirements of these physical strength, to achieve its protective function.
2, sales function.
The exquisite printing pattern plays a great role in attracting customers' attention in the current competitive terminal market channel, and has a good promotion to product brand, reputation and promotion. Now, more and more consumers love to buy beer or as a gift box, corrugated carton packaging exquisite become silent salesman, beer corrugated box is not only the product transport packaging, is now slowly to the sales package penetration.
3, the use of functions: in structure design of carton, especially in container transportation, storage shelves, reasonable size, shape and distribution of materials not only can save the cost, to provide the best solutions for packaging, and can ensure the product to be the most effective protection in the long process of freight. In such a case
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