1, small packaging cartons, small cartons, we can use to do chess, on the carton to write on it. Of course, you can also do some small puppets can coax children happy, you can also do some toys for children to play.
2, the medium-sized cardboard boxes, home and children in the study, we can use the carton is not used to seal the textbook, you can prevent dust dirty textbooks.
Our craft is good, can draw beautiful patterns on the outside, when the basket put things. Of course, we can do home theater.
We can open a mouth on the side of the carton, with glue to the phone, MP4 and other fixed, side to leave a head to allow the window. If you are afraid of boring, can open a few more in the surrounding air.
3, the large carton, can be used to make gift boxes outside with crayons painted very beautiful, and then put himself to his girlfriend on the inside, she moved to absolute. Can also be used to do a large toy, such as Transformers.
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