1、 未包装的产品应贮存于防雨、通风、干燥的地方.并将产品垫好,以防止受潮、损坏.
1, non packaged products should be stored in the rain, ventilation, dry place. And the product pad, in order to prevent damp and damage
2、 产品必须经过质量检查部门检查合格,并附有产品合格证,包装前产品必须经包装检查员检查.
2, the product must pass the quality inspection department inspection qualified, and accompanied by product qualification certificate, the product before packaging must be checked by the packaging inspector
Dust 3, before packing product and other dirt should be cleaned, the packaging process must pay attention to clean, to ensure the quality of products and packaging. The explosion-proof electrical power transmission control device to cover plastic bag and then in the packing box, packaging the simple packaging products, must be packed in plastic bags.
4 in the carton products must be reliably fixed, should not move. The fixed way according to the product structure selected by bolt or in wooden flute (block) mat tight pressure. In the Leng (block) fixed products, no pressure pad, the weak parts of the product.
5、 自发货之日起,在正常的储运条件下,包装纸箱的保护期限为1年.在此期间内,被包装的产品应完整无损.
5, from the date of shipment, in the normal storage and transportation conditions, the packaging carton protection period is 1 years, during this period, the packaged products should be intact
济南超原包装公司自成立以来,一直尊崇“踏实、拼搏、责任”的企业精神,并以诚信、共赢、开创经营理念,创造良好的企业环境,以全新的管理模式,完善的技术,周到的服务,卓越的品质为生存根本,我们始终坚持用户至上 用心服务于客户,坚持用自己的服务去打动客户。并积累了丰富的管理经验,凝聚了大批专业技术力量,重视行业内部的职能管理与专业素质提升,加强同行业的横向交流与学习,使企业管理更规范,工作效率更高。
您如果对我们济南超原包装厂的产品感兴趣或者有任何的疑问,您可以直接给我们留言或直接与我们联络,我们将在收到您的信息后,会第一时间及时与您联络, 我们衷心的希望能与各届朋友合作,携手未来,共享成功的成果!