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潮安县创宇不锈钢有限公司始建于1996年,并于2007年获准拥有自营进、出口权。公司座落于素有“不锈钢王国”之称的彩塘镇及毗邻的金石镇。 本公司致力开发实用性、综合性强的不锈钢日用及厨餐具制品,不断投入大量开发基金强化企业自身研发能力,可为用户精心设计各种不同花色的图案、造型的系列厨餐具制品。本公司在拥有一批先进的生产设备的同时不断加强生产设备的升级和规模的建设,坚持以高素质的人才队伍、严谨的管理、生产出高质量的产品。现部分产品远销东南亚、中东地区、南美及东欧。 我们将一如既往,开拓创新,坚持“业精于勤,诚信为本”的企业宗旨不断增强参与市场竞争的实力,并积极拓展与国内外同仁的合作,创建国际化产业、为营造行业知名品牌而努力拼搏!欢迎海内外客商来人来电,共谋发展! Chaoan Chuangyu Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. was set up in 1996, located in Caitang,"the Kingdom of Stainless Steel". Our company specializes in the manufacture of stainless steel kitchenware that is appreciated throughout North America, Middle East, Europe and Asia.Our leading products are all kinds of stainless steel cookware sets, stainless steel stock pot, stainless steel kettles, cutlery sets and steam pots. We can supply stainless steel house ware, such as round trays, plates, thermal pots, ashtrays, garbage bins, tea pots, chafing dishes,buffet stoves, dinner plates, thermos,stainless steel buckets, stainless steel spoons, forks, knives,bowls,soup basins, and vacuum pails.Our company believes in "customer first, highest quality and the creation of the best products possible,"and warmly welcomes custo-mers old and new to contact us with their inquiries.We sincerely invite clients from domestic and overseas to contact us and make trial orders.