轮胎胶标签服装吊牌的设计,印制往往都是很精美的,而且内涵也是很广泛的。尽管每个服装企业的吊牌各具特色,但大多在吊牌上印有厂名、厂址、、邮编、徽标等。有些企业,还要印上公司的性质(如中外合资、独资等);还有的服装厂家则干脆把小小的吊牌,视为一张缩微的“广告”,把名模靓女身着自己产品的照片印在了上面,给人以更直观的感受,使消费者对自己的产品有更深刻的印象,起到了很好的宣传促销作用;还有些厂家,为感谢消费者购买了自己的产品,往往还要在吊牌上印上鸣谢、祝愿的话语,给人以亲切感;有的吊牌则更象一张“产品使用说明 我们支持任意规格印刷定做 轮胎胶的特性是比较黏的
Rubber tire label clothing label design and printing are often very beautiful, but also very broad connotation. Although each garment enterprises tag with different features, but mostly on the tag printed with the name and address ,, zip code, logos and so on. Some companies, but also printed on the nature of the company (such as joint ventures, wholly-owned, etc.); as well as clothing manufacturers are just put a little tag, seen as a microfilm of "advertisement", the supermodel beauties dressed in their products photos printed on the top, gives a more intuitive feel, so that consumers of their products have a more profound impression, played a very good promotional effect; some manufacturers, to thank the consumers to buy their products, often have printed on a tag thanks, wishes to speak, gives intimacy; some tag is more like a "product that we support any custom printing specifications