ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System C-SCCE062525 reactions
产品简介:北京中北林格供应ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System C-SCCE062525 reactions,中北林格是cellscript总代理,提供cellscript产品货号报价查询。其他品牌包括LGC Biosearch Technologies总代理,epicentre总代理,lucigen总代理,illumina总代理,ICLLAB总代理,ImmunoReagents总代理。</p>
产品介绍:For post-transcriptional capping of in vitro transcribed RNA with ScriptCap Capping Enzyme, GTP and SAM. Cap 0 (N7-methyl-G) caps can be built with efficiencies approaching 100%. This cannot be accomplished with co-transcriptional capping methods. Use in conjunction with ScriptCap 2'-O-Methyltransferase to produce
Cap 1 caps, that which is found on most eukaryotic mRNAs.</p>
名称:ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System C-SCCE062525 reactions</p>
分类:Post-Transcriptional Capping</p>
规格:25 reactions</p>
ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System C-SCCE062525 reactions 产品详情
ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System catalyzes in vitro addition of a cap nucleotide to the 5' terminus of primary RNA that has a 5'-triphosphate group, such as RNA obtained from an in vitro transcription reaction. A "cap nucleotide" or “cap” is a guanine nucleoside that is joined via its 5' carbon to a triphosphate group that is, in turn, joined to the 5' carbon of the most 5' nucleotide of the primary mRNA transcript, and in most eukaryotes, the nitrogen at the 7 position of guanine in the cap nucleotide is methylated. Such a capped transcript can be represented as: m7G(5')ppp(5')N1(pN)x-OH(3') where m7G represents the 7-methylguanosine cap nucleoside, ppp represents the triphosphate bridge between the 5' carbons of the cap nucleoside and the first nucleotide of the primary RNA transcript, and N1(pN)x-OH(3') represents the primary RNA transcript, of which N1 is the most 5' nucleotide. The ScriptCap m7G Capping System sequentially catalyzes three different enzymatic reactions:
(1) RNA triphosphatase cleaves the 5' triphosphate of RNA to a diphosphate.pppN1(p)Nx-OH(3') ppN1(pN)x-OH(3') + Pi
(2) RNA guanyltransferase joins GTP to the 5' diphosphate of the most 5' nucleotide (N1) of the RNA.ppN1(pN)x-OH(3') + GTP G(5')ppp(5')N1(pN)x-OH(3') + PPi
(3) Guanine-7-methyltransferase, using S-adenosyl-methionine (AdoMet) as a co-factor, catalyzesmethylation of the 7-nitrogen of guanine in the cap nucleotide.
G(5')ppp(5')N1(pN)x-OH(3') + AdoMet m7G(5')ppp(5')N1(pN)x-OH(3') + AdoHycThis process, referred to as “capping,” improves the stability and translation efficiency of the RNAcompared to uncapped RNA. The capped RNA product from a ScriptCap m7G Capping System has a“cap 0” structure. Cap 0 RNA can be converted to a "cap 1" structure in vitro by using CELLSCRIPT’sScriptCap 2'-O-Methyltransferase in the capping reaction together with the ScriptCap m7G CappingSystem. In addition to having a 7-methyl-G cap nucleotide (m7G), Cap 1 RNA also has a 2'-O-methyl group on the 5' penultimate (N1) nucleotide, which can further increase in vivo translation efficiency of the mRNA.1 A standard ScriptCap m7G Capping System reaction will cap approximately 60 μg of RNA, but reactions can be scaled up or down to accommodate the user’s needs. Capped RNA from an ScriptCap m7G Capping System reaction can be added directly to a CELLSCRIPT A-Plus™ Poly(A) Polymerase reaction for poly(A)-tailing of the 3' ends of the capped RNA. The ScriptCap m7G Capping System offers an alternative to making capped RNA by co-transcriptional capping during an in vitro transcription (IVT) reaction in which a dinucleotide cap analog (e.g., m7G(5')ppp(5')G) is included in place of a portion of the GTP.2 Provided that the 5' terminus of the RNA is not structured, the capping efficiency using the ScriptCap m7G Capping System can approach 100%. In contrast, since the cap analog competes with GTP for initiation of transcription by the RNA polymerase, co-transcriptional capping efficiency is limited by the concentration of the cap analog and the ratio of its concentration to that of the GTP. Thus, the percentage of RNA that is capped using a cap analog in a transcription reaction is always less than 100%.3,4 The amount of capped RNA that can be made in a co-transcriptional capping reaction using a cap analog is also limited by the need to reduce GTP concentrations to permit the cap analog to compete for initiation of transcription. On the other hand, co-transcriptional capping with a cap analog can be beneficial if the RNA to be capped has a highly structured 5' terminus. Contact CELLSCRIPT to discuss the options for your project.
ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System C-SCCE062525 reactions 关键词
ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System</p>
cellscript ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System</p>
cellscript总代理ScriptCap™m7G Capping System</p>
cellscript总代理中北林格ScriptCap™m7G Capping System</p>
cellscript C-SCCE0625 25 reactions</p>
cellscript总代理C-SCCE0625 25 reactions</p>
cellscript总代理中北林格C-SCCE0625 25 reactions</p>
cellscript Post-Transcriptional Capping C-SCCE0625</p>
cellscript总代理Post-Transcriptional Capping C-SCCE0625</p>
cellscript总代理中北林格Post-Transcriptional Capping C-SCCE0625</p>
ScriptCap™ m7G Capping System C-SCCE062525 reactions品牌介绍:
The mission ofCELLSCRIPT™is to provide the best products and technologies for making and using RNA for translation in cells for clinical research and therapeutics.
Current products include kits forin vitrotranscription, 5' RNA capping using either a cap analog or capping enzymes, and 3' RNA polyadenylation, as well as all-in-one kits for making capped, poly(A)-tailed mRNA for translation in cells.
CELLSCRIPT™recently introduced INCOGNITO™ RNA Transcription Kits forin vitrosynthesis of RNA that contains modified nucleosides, such as pseudouridine (Ψ) and/or 5-methylcytidine (m5C) in place of the corresponding U or C canonical nucleosides (Figure 1). These kits are so-named because the capped, polyadenylated and nucleoside-modified RNA products (called "INCOGNITO mRNAs") are disguised so they do not induce innate immune responses to the same extent as the corresponding unmodified mRNAs when transfected into mammalian cells that express a variety of RNA sensors.