周口市30米 50米全塑移动电缆盘厂家长城科电线缆科技(北京)有限公司是一家集产品研发、销售、技术服务于一体的电线、电缆、移动电缆盘的专业化公司。技术力量雄厚,检测设备精密,产品设计先进。本公司始终“用户第一,信誉至上”为宗旨。不断完善产品质量,畅销全国,远销东南亚,欧洲,中东,非洲,移动电缆盘 长城科电 全塑电缆盘 线缆盘 电源盘 电缆卷盘深受广大用户好评,塑料移动电缆盘塑料拖线盘 托线盘单相220V并可依据客户特殊要求订制各式非标产品。
The Great Wall Electrical wire and cable technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is a set of product development, sales, technical services in one of the wire, cable, mobile cable reel specialized companies. Strong technical force, testing equipment precision, product design advanced. The company has always been "users first, the supremacy of credibility" for the purpose of, and continuously improve the quality of the