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【品牌】BEABA Babycook婴儿食物机、辅食料理机
【英文名称】BEABA Babycook - Sorbet
【规格】独立装 包括食物机、篮子、铲子和小碗(600ml)各一个
【电压】120V~/50-60Hz(美式) 220v(法式)
【产品尺寸】11" x 5.5" x 8"
(不挑色随机发 如有颜色喜好请在订单上备注 尽量满足您的要求)
宝宝从4个月开始就可以吃辅食了. 现在外面买的瓶装婴儿辅食里面都参有防腐剂, 就算说是标着有机的,一瓶辅食能放那么久不会坏就说明里面的配料不可能是全天然的. 除了防腐剂, 瓶装婴儿辅食里面还可能有消费者根本想象不到的配料,也许会对宝宝的身体不利, 所以建议妈妈们自己在家里给宝宝做辅食! 安全第一,而且宝宝吃到的每一勺食物都充满了新鲜的各种维他命。
这款辅食制作机是最安全最实用的婴儿辅食制作机了. 蒸熟, 研磨, 解冻,加热全在小小的机器里. 如果你习惯用微波炉加热宝宝的食物,建议最好是用水蒸. 安全, 没有辐射!
这款研磨机就是以水蒸的原理将食物在5-15分钟内蒸熟, 然后将小蒸架取出, 把蒸熟的食物倒回研磨机里, 盖好盖子直接磨成糊糊就可以了.
宝宝如果还小, 磨的时候多加点水,弄得稀点, 有些小牙齿了, 可以将食物磨的厚点,也就是少加些水. 做一次辅食可以新鲜的先喂给宝宝, 多下来的放在专用的冰盒里.冷冻起来.
下次要吃多少取多少, 放回机器里蒸5分钟就好了. 各种蔬菜, 水果,鱼肉都可以蒸. 量小不浪费.
The French baby-food maker that has won praise throughout Europe is finally available to American families. This compact countertop appliance multitasks as a steamer, blender, warmer and defroster to prepare fresh, healthy meals for baby. It starts by steam cooking vegetables, fruits, meat and fish in less than 15 minutes, preserving their vitamins and flavors, then purees or blends them to your desired consistency. You can also use it to quickly reheat or defrost precooked foods.
Prepares fresh, healthful meals for baby.Includes 2 1/2-cup plastic bowl, cooking basket and spatula, with recipe booklet.350W, 11" (27.94 cm) x 5?" (13.97 cm) x 8" (20.32 cm) high.The machine has no traceable amounts of BPA.
For babies 6-24 months.
推荐这款研磨机的还有一个理由是这款机器的安全性能. 不用担心宝宝的手被烫到或是被绞了. 孩子大一些, 什么东西都要抓, 如果用普通的锅子蒸好的食物,宝宝不小心抓了容易烫到. 如果你用一般的研磨机宝宝不小心把手伸进去可不好了. 这款机器的设计对宝宝100%安全. 宝宝到两岁了还可以教他自己动手做自己的食物, 把东西放进去盖好盖子,转一下指示针就做好了
The Beaba Babycook is an ingenious compact countertop appliance that functions as a steamer, blender, warmer and defroster to prepare fresh, healthy meals for baby. It is completely BPA free.
The Babycook will steam cook vegetables, fruits, fish and meats in less than 15 minutes, while preserving the nutrients and flavours of each piece of food. It then purees and blends them to the desired consistency, helping you to introduce solids into baby\'s diet. Parents can also use the Babycook to quickly reheat or defrost precooked foods. and is capable of cooking rice and pasta.
Product Features:
Auto Power Off
自动断电功能Dishwasher (Top Rack) Safe
可置于洗碗机上层清洁4 functions: steams, blends, defrost and re-heat vegetables, fish, meat, starchy food etc...to prepare healthy homemade food for your Baby
四大功能:蒸、搅拌、解冻、再加热(蔬菜、鱼、肉、淀粉类食物等等)在家给宝宝自制健康美味餐食Fast: Cook in less than 15 min!
快速:15分钟完成Healthy: Preserves vitamins and nutrients
有助保存食物里的维生素和营养成分Large capacity: 600ml to prepare in advance and store in your fridge or freezer!
大容量:可以烹饪600毫升的食物储藏(冷藏或冷冻)Not Bulky: Compact and easy to use, you will even be able to transport it for your holidays
外观整洁漂亮,小巧便于携带和置放Easy and few parts to clean
清洗方便Includes: Recipe book, cooking basket, spatula to lift the basket and scraping out the bowl, lid, recipe booklet and one extra gasket
Cable storage