APPLAWS【爱普士】天然干猫粮全球第一隻肉含量高達80%的袋裝貓乾糧Applaws袋裝貓糧是一隻獨特的貓科動物食品, 它以乾糧的形式提供近似幼貓和成貓在自然環境中捕捉的食物元素。食肉動物, 牠們的消化系統對類似Applaws乾糧等之不含穀物和高天然動物蛋白質的食物極為喜愛,這些食物都有别於大多數含有穀物和高碳水化合物的乾糧。 Applaws的配方含有天然抗氧化劑 - 硒、 維生素E、 生物類黃硐和蔓越莓提取物, 加上天然益生素可幫助預防毛球形成,更能幫助和維持貓隻消化系統健康,從而提高牠們的免疫能力及令皮毛色更光澤亮麗。l豐富天然的DHA和EPAl保留天然的維生素E和迷迭香油l天然的蔓越莓提取物-能幫助維持泌尿道健康l無添加色素,香料或防腐劑?幼貓雞肉:成分乾燥雞肉,馬鈴薯乾,鮮雞肉,家禽肉汁,甜菜泥,全蛋,植物纖維,三文魚油,幹啤酒酵母,蔓越莓提取物, 絲蘭提取物,柑橘提取物, 迷迭香油提取物。典型分析蛋白質46%,脂肪20%,石灰9.9%,纖維3%,水分8%,鈣2.1%,磷1.36%,維生素A 12000國際單位/千克,維生素D3 1200國際單位/千克,維生素E(α-生育酚)600國際單位/公斤。銅(硫酸銅)12毫克/公斤。少於15%的碳水化合物。包裝: 400克 / 2公斤 / 7.5公斤成貓雞肉:成分乾燥雞肉,馬鈴薯乾,鮮雞肉,家禽肉汁,甜菜泥,全蛋,植物纖維,三文魚油,幹啤酒酵母,蔓越莓提取物, 絲蘭提取物,柑橘提取物,迷迭香油提取物。典型分析蛋白質46%,脂肪20%,石灰9.9%,纖維3%,水分8%,鈣2.1%,磷1.36%,維生素A 12000國際單位/千克,維生素D3 1200國際單位/千克,維生素E(α-生育酚)600國際單位/公斤。銅(硫酸銅)12毫克/公斤。少於15%的碳水化合物。包裝: 50克/ 400克/ 2公斤/ 7.5公斤成貓雞肉三文魚:成分乾燥雞肉,土豆,乾海魚,家禽肉汁,三文魚,甜菜泥,全蛋,植物纖維,三文魚油,乾啤酒酵母,蔓越莓提取物,絲蘭提取物,柑橘提取物,迷迭香油提取物。典型分析蛋白質46.9%,脂肪19.7%,石灰9.3%,纖維3%,水分8%,鈣1.9%,磷1.31%,維生素A 12,000國際單位/千克,維生素D3 1200國際單位/千克,維生素E(α-生育酚)600國際單位/公斤。銅(硫酸銅)14毫克/千克。少於15%的碳水化合物。包裝:400克/ 2公斤Applaws Natural Dry Cat FoodThe Worlds first 80% Meat
Dry Cat & Kitten FoodA cat’s digestive system is little different to that of a lion. They have evolved to gain their protein from meat, not grains or cereals. Diets that use high levels of cereal as their source of protein can be hard for cats digest and metabolise. This may cause stress to the liver and kidneys and could lead to the development of sensitivities or allergies.Cereals are also a major source of carbohydrate. The higher the cereal content the higher the level of carbohydrate. This could produce surges in blood sugar, which may lead to hyperactivity and could see your cat becoming overweight.Only Applaws Dry Complete contains 75%-80% meat.It doesn’t contain any unnecessary or cheaper additives such as cereal or grains to fill out the food.Applaws Dry Complete has been formulated to have a meat only protein level comparable to fresh whole chicken*. It may help your cat to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.Applaws Dry Formula also contains natural antioxidants including Selenium, Natural Tocopherol, Natural Bioflavonoids and Cranberry extracts to help fight cellular ageing, maintain healthy skin, shiny coat and support the immune system. Plus natural prebiotics that feed friendly intestinal bacteria to help maintain a healthy digestive system. Helps prevent furballs.* When compared on a dry weight basisApplaws Dry Cat Food
Chicken80% Chicken,
20% Vegetables and Natural extracts.
Cereal Free. Prebiotic - naturally
hypoallergenic. Enriched with Mineral DHA EPA.
Naturally preserved with Vitamin E and
Rosemary oil. Developed with vetenarians.
Natural Cranberry extracts - helps maintain
urinal tract health.