丹麦B&K TYPE 2236声级计/噪声分析仪/音压计

名称:丹麦B&K TYPE 2236声级计/噪声分析仪/音压计






联系人:陆万强 (请说在中科商务网上看到)
















测量范围:30-135 dB
量程:3-10 m
准确度:0.01 dB
使用温度范围:常温 ℃
外形尺寸(长x宽x高):a*b*c mm


  Measuring Ranges :

RangeMax PeakUpper RMS Limit1
10 to 90 dB * 93 dB 73 dB
20 to 100 dB *103 dB 83 dB
30 to 110 dB113 dB 93 dB
40 to 120 dB123 dB103 dB
50 to 130 dB133 dB113 dB
60 to 140 dB143 dB123 dB

  Note * : Level non-linearity caused by noise floor is < 0.4 dB at 30 dBA, re IEC 651 and < 1 dB at 26 dBA

  Note 1 : with crest factor = 10 or 20 dB

  Noise Floor :

  Typically 18 dBA

  Maximum : 20 dBA RMS

  Includes preamplifier's electrical noise and microphone's thermal noise

  Detectors : simultaneous RMS and Peak with independent frequency weightings

  Linearity Range : 80 dB

  Pulse Range : 83 dB

  Non-linear Distortion : too small to affect accuracy

  Peak Detector Rise Time : < 50 ms

  Frequency Weightings : selected independently for RMS and Peak

  RMS A and C : according to IEC 651 Type 1

  RMS L : flat from 10 Hz to 20 kHz ± 2 dB with Type 1 tolerances

  Peak C : according to IEC 651 Type 1

  Peak L : flat from 10 Hz to 20 kHz ± 2 dB with Type 1 tolerances

  Time Weightings : Fast, Slow, Impulse, according to IEC 651 Type 1

  Display : 4 line LCD showing:

  Measuring range and quasi-analogue bar showing input signal

  Battery low, pause and overload with hold indicators

  Time weighting and elapsed measurement time

  Optional back light

  The quasi-analogue bar is updated 15 times per second

  Displayed parameter level updated once per second

  Parameters :

  MaxL, MinL, MaxP, Peak, SPL, Leq, SEL, LEP,d and Overload in % of measurement time + variable Ln, default values L90, L50 and L10

  Exchange Rate : 3

  Resolution :

  LN Values : 0.5 dB

  Other Parameters : 0.1 dB

  Reset :

  Resets Buffer including elapsed time to zero. Warning prior to reset if elapsed time > 1 min.

  Reset when changing frequency or time weighting

  Resets all results in Log, Memory and Buffer if held down together with (Data)

  Optional reset when changing level of measurement range, Lns not available if range change is without reset

  Microphone : Type 4188 pre polarized free-field 1/2" condenser microphone

  Sensitivity : -30 dB re 1 V/Pa ± 2 dB

  Frequency Range : 8 Hz to 12.5 kHz ± 2 dB

  Capacitance : 12 pF

  Memory : 40 Records of Overall Results

  Result Logging : Leq : L10 and L90

  Log Rate : 1 s : 10 s : 30 s : 1 m : 5 m : 10 m : 15 m : 30 m and 60 m.

  Memory Capacity : 512 Kbytes, equivalent to 86400 sets of results (for example, 24 hours of 1 s logging)

  Serial Interface : Compatible with EIA-574

  Baud Rate : 1200 - 19200

  Data Bits : 8

  Stop Bit : 1

  Parity : none

  Handshake : Hardwired, XON / XOFF or None

  Results Output Format :

  Overall : Logged 2318 printer : Logged spreadsheet : Level Distribution : Cumulative Distribution : Distribution resolution 1 to 5 dB

  Heading : long or short

  DC Output : Short circuit protected coaxial Lemo socket (series 00)

  Output : 50 mV/dB equivalent to 0 - 4.15 V

  Output Resistance : 100 Ω

  Output Parameter : same as the Displayed Parameter

  AC Output : Short circuit protected coaxial Lemo socket (series 00)

  Maximum Output : 0.5 V RMS corresponding to the top of the selected measurement range ± 2 dB depending on the microphone's sensitivity

  Output Resistance : 100 Ω

  Output : output signal from preamplifier (L frequency weighting)

  Clock : real time, calendar and measurement duration

  Warm up Time : < 5 s

  Settling Time : at range change without reset: < 4 ms

  Calibration Conditions :

  Reference Frequency : 1000 Hz

  Reference SPL : 94 dB

  Reference Range : 50 - 130 dB, set automatically during calibration sequence

  Reference Incidence : Frontal

  Environmental :

  Storage Temperature : -25 to +70 ° C

  Operating Temperature : -10 to +50 °C

  Effect of Temperature : < 0.5 dB, -10 to +50 °C

  Effect of **midity : < 0.5 dB for 30 %RH at 40 °C and 1 kHz

  Vibration Sensitivity : < 80 dB with L-weighting at 1 m/s-2

  Magnetic Field : 80 A/m, 1?rsted at 50 Hz gives < 34 dBL

  Power Supply - Internal :

  Batteries : 4 x 1.5 V LR6 / AA size alkaline cells

  Battery Life : > 12 hours, typically

  Back up battery : keeps clock and memories operating for at least 6 months, if fully charged

  External Power Supply:

  Voltage : 7 - 15 V DC regulated

  Voltage Ripple : < 100 mV peak to peak

  Maximum Current : 400 mA

  Average Current : 100 mA at 7 V

  External Power Supply Socket :

  Socket Pin: Positive

  Socket Casing : Signal Ground

  Socket Pin Diameter : 2.0 mm

  Socket External Diameter : 5.5 mm

  Dimensions and Weight :

  Size : 257 mm x 97 mm x 41 mm

  Weight : 460 g including batteries

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